brain damage - photo blog

Mosca Session

The Fly
It’s no secret that a liar won’t believe anyone else. The Fly – U2

The Fly
Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief. The Fly – U2

The Fly
The universe exploding ‘cos-a one man’s lie. The Fly – U2

The Fly
It’s no secret that a friend is someone who lets you help. The Fly – U2




  • Joel

    Exquisite, especially the first shot.

  • btezra

    ~xlnt 3some here, the color and the details in the macros…well done~

  • Robin

    Wonderful contrasting colors and details in your images.

  • Sandra Rocha

    now thats a awsome set of images 🙂
    love the color and the details, nicely done

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